Gong Pro(Kill It) Technology
Kill it technology
We use this technology since the early days of GONG, mostly on prototypes and hand shapes especially for comp boards.
With more than 15 years using this technology we can say that we handle it very very well.
Choose the right blanks. Glue well the stringer. Do a perfect lamination with the PVC and without bubbles, thanks to vaccum bags. Reduce the weight all long the process. Make the boards perfectly watertight. Do an insane finish. That’s what we know very well how to do thanks to years on it.
Our factories are working under our own specifications and technics. Our shaper, Patrice Guénolé, teach to all staffs how to make it perfect. It is very expensive to do but it is the garantee to make the best boards. Our super low after sales return rate and the forum testimonies can proove the fact we are doing very good boards.
Our technology is as green as we can.
We use the lowest quantity of resin possible. We teach all the staff how to save resin in order to save money, weight and use as less as possible of this dirty composant. By this way we save also a lot of time on the sanding department. This makes less micro dust in the environment and protect the team.
We also use the best components to be sure to offer you the most durable products. Less boards damaged and broken mean less no need production.
All the excess of fiber cut is used to fiw the box and accessories. We use 99% of this fabric because we know how bad it is for the planet to make it.
The blank’s pieces not used are recycled to make new blanks. The very small parts are offered for free to small industries that makes pillows for example.
Anycase, we are always very concerned by the planet.
Techno specifications :
- EPS 15 kg/m3 blank : very light.
- a high quality epoxy lamination : light, economic and durable.
- 70 kg/m3 PVC sheet glued under vaccum bag.
- unique assembly thanks to Carbon fiber : extra dynamic and strong, the board is very reactive but does not vibrate thanks to its supple bottom.
- hot coat Epoxy : perfectly watertight and strong.
- mirror finish for a perfect glide and look.
The best points :
- great looking and modern style.
- solid : very strong techno.
- super dynamic, super fast and sensitive.
- durable : you can repair anything on it.